Buxton Fire & Rescue

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  • Town of Buxton Burning Permit Information

    Town of Buxton Burning Permit Information

  • D/C Gene Harmon Receives Life Member Award

    I was thrilled to present D/C Gene Harmon with a rocking chair and firefighter flag in recognition of his more than 60-years of service to Buxton Fire-Rescue. I have included…

  • WILDFIRES…Are you at risk?

    Wildfires often begin unnoticed. They spread quickly, igniting brush, trees, and homes. If you live where urban development meets wildlands, or on a remote hillside, in a valley, prairie, forest…

  • ILLEGAL…Sky Lanterns

    Sky lanterns (often known as floating, paper or Chinese lanterns) are made from thin paper stretched on a frame. A candle or other fuel source is held in a holder…

  • Our Mission, Vision, and Goals

    Mission Statement To promote and protect the health and safety of our community and first responders. Core Values Dedication: We are an organization built on the foundation of our predecessors,…

  • ISO Public Protection Classification

    BUXTON IS NOW AN ISO PPC CLASS 5! Over the last 3-5 years the department has been actively improving our service delivery in a number of areas, from staffing to…

  • Do you need smoke detectors in your home of bedroom??

    Do you have a working smoke detector in your home? This year we are focusing our fire prevention effort on ensuring there are working smoke detectors in the homes of…

  • Welcome from Chief Schools

    Welcome to Buxton-Fire Rescues Official Website.  Below please find information about our Community, Department, and the way we deliver services to our Community.  If you should have any questions about…